KOL Radar: Asia-Pacific's Largest Influencer Platform

Influence, Amplified by AI

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Real-Time Influencer Data
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International Influencer Profiles
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Social Media Platforms

Leading Influencer Marketing Services & AI Platform

AI-Powered Technology

Influencer Data Analysis Platform

Over 3 million international influencer profiles from Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and Twitter. We provide filters for influencer type, influencer data analysis, and influencer collection management. The Influencer Marketing Platform trusted by 50,000+ brands.

Top-Notch Services

Comprehensive Project Services

We provide one-stop solutions including marketing strategy, planning and execution, influencer collaboration, advertising and promotion, social reputation marketing, performance tracking, and comprehensive O2O services. Our clients span diverse industries including Beauty, E-commerce, Maternal and Child Health, FMCG, and more.

Major Upgrade: AI-Driven Competitors Analysis Available on KOL Radar Now!

Get AI-driven Competitors Analysis on KOL Radar now! By analyzing brand accounts and keyword mentions, we help you gain insights into competitors’ social media performance and influencer collaborations to offer you the best influencer marketing strategy.

解放繁瑣工作!最完整與強大的 AI 網紅平台


超過 300 萬筆跨國網紅名單,提供社群平台、網紅類型、互動率、漲粉率、成長潛力等篩選器與數據分析


品牌主可依需求發案,AI 會根據專案需求,即時推薦精準 KOL,雙方可透過平台聯繫、討論。




AI 數據儀表板,即時分析網紅貼文成效,並製作視覺化圖表與報告,讓品牌主掌握專案成效。


在 KOL Radar 登錄平台與社群資料,提升對 5 萬品牌廣告主的曝光與合作機會。


AI 主動推薦合適的商案機會,並透過 KOL Radar 與品牌主一站聯繫、討論合作。


透過 KOL Radar 與品牌主線上簽約、審核合作內容,並完成自動化付款。


AI 數據儀表版,即時分析商案數據,協助強化業配策略與成效。

\ 3 Keys to Success in Influencer Marketing /

Powerful Influencer Marketing Platform


3M+ Influencer Profiles & 100+ Powerful AI Filters

Find the Best Influencers for Your Brands

Powerful AI search database for influencers

Over 3,000,000 Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok and Twitter influencer profiles across 8 countries including Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore and Hong Kong.

AI keyword reasoning and search function

Now you can input keywords such as competitor’s products, your products, or any keywords (such as related posts, etc.) to search for the KOL list and post content that best meets your brand's marketing needs. AI will also recommend similar keywords to help you improve search accuracy.

100+ search filters

Country and region, type of influencers, gender, social platform, follower count, post time, engagement, video view rate, follower growth rate…etc.

Advanced Post Search

Search for posts with our advanced search! Type in keywords for filters such as content format, topic type, influencer followers, post duration, and more to find influencer posts that meet your needs. Find and analyze social media content with ease.


Influencer Collections + Demographics

Manage & Track Influencer Campaigns in Real-Time

In-depth metrics to analyze influencers

11 categories of demographics for in-depth insights and real-time monitor of effectiveness of influencers

Influencers post content automatically classified by AI (Deep Tag)

AI automatically classifies and analyses the top 5 categories of popular content by all influencers. Including 100+ types of influencers, including beauty, 3C, food, and more.

Get exclusive influencers for your brands

Co-work with your colleague easily, share influencer lists and monitor your campaign performance. Work with your colleagues easily by sharing influencer lists and monitoring your campaign performance.


Project Management + Influencer Relationship Management System

Manage Influencer Campaigns and Relationships Effectively.

Workspace for team members

Easily manage the list of project members and permissions, and quickly grasp information such as account profiles and transaction records

In-depth insight report (Deep Report)

Automated tracking of campaign posts and report generation. You’ll get estimates for metric types of engagement (e.g. likes, comments, shares), effectiveness (e,g, CPE, CPV, CPEV…etc.) and analyze comments from the audience

Influencer Relationship Management

Operate with efficiency and deepen the relationship between brands and influencers. Our influencer relationship management system provides functions such as influencer collaboration information management, sending of emails to influencers, and campaign performance tracking.

Trusted by 50K Brands

Latest News and Online Resources

5 Ways To Craft Compelling Contents To Engage Malaysian Audiences In 2024 23

The Art of Word-of-Mouth Marketing With Influencers

Build a strong brand reputation with word-of-mouth marketing. KOL Radar offers insights into using influencers and social media to increase
5 Ways To Craft Compelling Contents To Engage Malaysian Audiences In 2024 22

Global Marketing Campaigns Spotlight Influencers as New PR Icons

5 Ways To Craft Compelling Contents To Engage Malaysian Audiences In 2024 21

The Power of AI in Influencer Marketing: How AI Can Optimise Influencer Discovery, Data Analysis, ROI and Campaign Insights

Choose the Best Plan for Your Needs

Register Now for a FREE Trial!

Free Plan

  • Unlimited searches for influencers
  • Complete Influencer Search feature
  • Basic information of influencers
For Individuals and Small to Medium-Sized Marketing Teams

Premium Plan

  • Unlimited searches for influencers
  • Complete Influencer Search feature
  • Complete Influencer Data Profiles, 200 times/month
  • Download influencer Profiles
  • Export influencer collection data (CSV)
For Large Brands/Agencies

Advanced Plan

  • Unlimited searches for influencers
  • Complete Influencer Search feature
  • Complete Influencer Data Profiles, 500 times/month
  • Download Influencer Profiles
  • Export influencer collection data (CSV)

Sign Up For FREE!
Find Ideal Influencers in Seconds.

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Competitor Analysis|Targeting Competitor Strategies

AI-powered analysis of competitor marketing strategies

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AI Search|Making Influencer Marketing Strategy Effectively

AI-powered recommendations for the ideal
influencer match!

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